josephDelray Preferred’s
Locals Spotlight

Joseph Roehm, Owner/Designer

From Roehm with Love Florist

257 NE 2nd Ave – Pineapple Grove


Q & A: with Joseph:

Q: How long have you been in Delray?

A: From Roehm with Love opened it’s doors in the Spring of 1998 & I was never to be the same again! We remain blessedly intertwined in the fabric of 2, 3, & 4 generations!

Q: How did you choose your profession?

A: I never chose my profession. It was a gift to be claimed, or not, from God. I chose to claim that which remains inside of me, although, for many years I didn’t acknowledge this gift, they were darker years, not at all like the light I am privileged to enjoy today. I am so blessed to move the hearts of those who come to me.

Q: What is your passion?

A: My passion begins & ends with my husband. From there everything soars, he remains my muse. My wind beneath my wings … 💛

Q: What do you love about Delray?

A: My favorite thing about Delray Beach is that I totally resonate with our community, they are loyal, they are tender, and they are loving. Loving them is such an incredible privilege! Designing for them, humbling.

Q: What is something most people don’t know about you?

A: I think most people don’t realize how often I am frightened. Running a perishable business that isn’t self serving in a delicate, economy with so many mouths to keep fed, one requires nerves of steel to move forward. Moving forward without fear, with implicit faith, is my daily goal. Some days are easier than others.  All of them require the hand of my husband.